Response information pulled back from Medicare for Schedules (Status and Payments Reports) is saved to the database. If the table gets excessively large, a Timeout expired may result.
The HIC Log file (Utilities - Logs - HIC Logs - SPM HIC Logs) will report something similar to that below:
14/09/2018 11:05:20 AM ******************** HIC online on Friday, 14 September 2018 at 11:05 ********************
14/09/2018 11:05:20 AM Computer:SMPC-TS
14/09/2018 11:05:20 AM UserName:andrea.briggs
14/09/2018 11:05:21 AM Started spm_HICWrapper
14/09/2018 11:05:21 AM cpu64=True java64=False HICver=6.12 PMSver=405
14/09/2018 11:05:21 AM **** cHICWrap.GetBulkBillProcessingReport **** ctrSched=1725
14/09/2018 11:05:56 AM cHICWrap.GetBulkBillProcessingReport: msg=Problem retrieving report information Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
14/09/2018 11:05:56 AM Terminating spm_HICWrapper
14/09/2018 11:05:56 AM spm_HICWrapper.Class_Terminate_ExitProc
14/09/2018 11:05:56 AM ******************** Closed at 11:05 ********************
To identify the tables that are probably chewing up the processing time, use WINFLEX (Reports – database – tables by record count). In the above instance, two tables associated with HIC are HicReportResult and EventLogging
(1) Open each table and identify a timestamp column.
HicReportResult has hicr_DateEntered
EventLogging has evl_Timestamp
(2) Compose queries.
DELETE FROM HicReportResult WHERE hicr_DateEntered < ‘1 sep 2018’
DELETE FROM EventLogging WHERE evl_Timestamp < ‘1 sep 2018’
These MAY be able to be executed via Winflex – database – execute. They can PROBABLY be executed from SQL Management Console. However, they will probably trigger a timeout unless host computer is fairly capable.
(3) If necessary, the query can be executed in 'chunks' with Winflex.
- Make sure HicReportResult is selected. (Very important)
- Utilities – clean data – apply sql in blocks
- Block size = 5000 [OK]
- Select [Wipe] - this clears the previous entry.
- Type in query above DELETE FROM HicReportResult … 2018’
- Select [OK]
- Form caption at top of Winflex will show records being processed.
(4) Repeat for step 3 for the other table(s).