TLS protocol encryption settings
Posted by Sinclair Hughes, Last modified by Sinclair Hughes on 17 January 2025 03:43 PM
TLS used by SPM & PHMSome modules in SPM & PHM (e.g. Field Forms & importing patient registration forms) connect to external resources (Azure storage containers), require TLS encryption. If you need to add new encryption protocols to your server, the following article is useful: or use a utility tool called IIS Crypto (recommended). The
For each Key add the following DWord nodes:
Or run the following Powershell scripts: Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NetFramework\v4.0.30319' -Name 'SchUseStrongCrypto' -Value '1' -Type DWord
TLS used by InTOUCH & inPATIENT appsThe inTOUCH and inPATIENT mobile apps require TLS 1.2 encryption on the web server to allow it to authenticate and also to connect to the storage container to securely transfer photos. On the server that is hosting the inTOUCH app, can you check to see that you have the TLS 1.2 protocol enabled, at the Client and Server level. Use to produce a report informing you of the encryption protocols that you have enabled on your server. Add the required TLS protocols using the scripts in point 2 above. | |