To start using the Multi-Factor Authentication function with Incisive inCLOUD, you need to:
- Provide us with a unique email address for each login to Incisive inCLOUD and indicate whether you want to authenticate using an app on your phone or use a hardware fob
If you haven't already completed this step, you can use the template in this link to help you list your requirements, then send it back to us.
- An email will be sent to the email addresses, from, with information on how to install and Activate the Watchguard Authpoint app. The app needs to be activated on your phone within 7 days of receiving the email. The activation process can occur from your computer or the app on your phone.
 If you are using a Watchguard fob to generate the Passcode, you do not need to install anything on your phone or complete any activation process. You can ignore the email from
- Change the 'Incisive inCLOUD' shortcut on your laptop/workstation to connect to instead of the current
You will need to delete the existing icon/shortcut.
Instructions on creating a connection to on Incisive inCLOUD:
If you need assistance to change the shortcut icon, please email a request to with some times that it would be suitable for you.
Short tutorial videos showing how to use the Authentication options are available from this Knowledgebase article