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ACC Elective Surgery contract 1st July 2018 payment update
Posted by Sinclair Hughes on 29 June 2018 01:46 PM
If you have an Elective Surgery contract with ACC the new schedule of prices is now available to be used for your invoicing from 1st July. There is a 1.86 percent increase.

There are three options you can use to update your fees:
     1. use an Incisive application to import the 2018 fees to a new category. 
     2. update the existing fees by the percentage increase.
     3. manually change the fees

To determine the advantage of using option 1. or 2. please click here to download the import instructions and read before proceeding. This link shows a short video of the import options and process.

The process for importing the new price file or updating existing fees is well documented in the instructions and is reasonably straight-forward, however if you are not confident performing the process please arrange with your IT provider to assist you.  Note that if you are using option 1. there is a function to update the sub-contractor allocations by the same percentage increase.

The import application will also allow the Non-Core prices to be updated as well.

If you have any queries please create a ticket at or send an email to