Change of Server
Posted by Sinclair Hughes, Last modified by Sinclair Hughes on 19 June 2023 09:11 AM

These instructions provide the steps you should take if you are changing the Server   (SQL Server databases).

  1. Please notify Incisive support staff as soon as you know the date that you expect to perform the server change.
  2. Install & configure SQL SERVER
    1. Install Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Express (2014, 2016, 2017,2019 or 2022)
    2. Install SQL Server Management Tools (SQL Server Management Studio)
    3. If possible, create a new Instance called INCISIVE
    4. Use 'Network Service' as the login for the SQL Engine or configure permissions for Users to use the default account created by the SQL Server installation.
    5. Set the ‘Server Authentication’ to ‘SQL & Windows Authentication Mode’ (Instance --> Properties --> Security).  
    6. Use the SQL Server Configuration Tool (sqlservermanagerxx.msc) to ensure that the TCP/IP protocol is 'Enabled' (it is Disabled by default)
    7. Attach or restore a backup of both the SPM and SPMWORK databases to the new SQL Server.  Make sure that the .mdf and .ldf data files are in a directory that is NOT a sub-directory of the shared SPMWIN directory.  We recommend that you have a separate SPMDATA directory (C:\SPMdata) and provide security permissions for Read & Write.
    8. Make sure there are two Logins called  ‘IncisiveClient’ and 'IncisiveAdmin' and that these are mapped to the two SPM databases (usually SPM and SPMWORK).  Also check that there are both ‘IncisiveClient’ and 'IncisiveAdmin' Users in the Security section of each database.  Create a strong password for each login and call Incisive to tell them of the passwords you have used.
    9. Enable both databases to unrestricted growth in 10% increments. 
    10. Make sure that the databases on the old server can no longer be accessed.
    11. Ensure the SQL Browser is running if using dynamic IP port address.
    12. Edit the SPM & SPMwork Database under –Properties  -Options and change the Compatibility Level to match the version of SQL Server that it is now running on.
    13. Check that SQL Server Management Studio is available for the Incisive login.

      See Trouble-shooting SQL Server connections

  3. Firewall access
    Open the ports required for remote connections to the SQL server.
    Use PortQryV2.exe to test the ports.

  4. Create Shared directory
    1. Create a SPMWIN directory on the data drive of the new server with ‘Full Control’ access rights for all Windows account logins.  The data drive should be different from the directory the program will be installed to if the server is to be used as a workstation or terminal server.  Ideally the SPMWIN folder should be the top level e.g. d:\spmwin but if you do put it within other folders try not to make it too long a path.

  5. Anti-virus software on the server
    1. Modify the setting in the anti-virus software to allow new files to be written into the:
      1. \SPMWIN and subdirectories
      2. Shared directory
      3. Scanned documents, images and data directories if they are in different locations
    2. Exclude real-time scanning of the contents of the:
      1. \SPMWIN directory and sub-directories,
      2. Scanned document and images directories, and
      3. SQL specific requirements.  See the recommendations from Microsoft regarding virus scanning on an SQL Server.

  6. Copy data & file directories
    1. Copy all the subdirectories of the \SPMWIN directory on the old server, across to the \SPMWIN directory on the new server.  Do not copy the program files inside the SPMWIN directory, only the subdirectories.  
    2. Ensure the sub-directories have inherited the parent directory security rights for ‘Full control’.

  7. Install the Incisive application
    This option is only required if the server is also being used as an application server.
    1. If the new server is also to be used as a workstation or terminal server, the SPM program will need to be installed on to it.  If this is the case, it is desirable to install the program to the C drive (root) and have the data on another drive. 
    2. Ensure the User Account Control (UAC) option is turned OFF.  UAC is found in Windows Control Panel – User Accounts. (Turn it on again when the files have been registered)
    3. Run the SPM Setup program (SetupNZ.exe or SetupAus.exe) and select ‘Workstation’.  When running the install file use the ‘Run As Administrator) option – even if you are Domain Administrator. Make sure you put in the new server for the database and the correct path for the Updates folder.  It is important that the Update path is a valid path as this can cause problems later if they are wrong.  Always test them in Windows Explorer first to make sure they exist and that the pc has access to them.
      Note that if the Incisive application on the server will be run from multiple Remote Desktop sessions at the same time, the SPM.INI file on the server requires the entry of  Citrix=True  in the [Workstation] section of the file.  You also need to use the 'Change User /Install' command to prepare the server the installation and when complete, use the 'Change User /Execute' command.
    4. The Incisive application on the server needs to be the same version as is installed on the workstations.
      Copy the contents of the Updates directory (usually \spmwin\updates) into the \SPMWIN directory.  Note that this may overwrite existing installed files that are newer.
    5. Check directory permissions.
      The network User accounts need the ability to Read, Write & Modify in the \SPMWIN application directory.

  8. Database connections 
    To make it easier for you we provide a tool called IswUpdateOdbc.exe that will copy the ODBC settings on the server and make them available to be automatically built on each workstation.
    1. Automatically - using IswUpdateOdbc.exe  (only available from v404.4 or newer)
      1. On the server, create two new ODBC entries to connection to the SQL databases.  Call them something like SPMSQL2015 and SPMWORKSQL2015 (they need to be different from what was used on the legacy server). Check they are working correctly.
      2. Make the necessary changes to the spm.ini file  (see section 9).
      3. Run SPM  or PHM and check it is running correctly  (see section 10).
      4. From the command line, run  C:\spmwin\iswupdateodbc /setup   (changing file location as required)
      5. Complete the fields and click OK to save a .ini file
      6. On each workstation, from the command line, run  C:\spmwin\iswupdateodbc /go  (changing file location as required)
        You will be prompted to create the ODBC connections and alter the spm.ini file. 
    2. Manually
      1. 32bit Operating System
        Change the DSN entries on all existing workstations for BOTH the SPM and the SPMWORK databases to point to the new server location (Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Data Sources – System DSN – select data source(s) - Configure ).  Do the following for both DSN entries.
        1. change the sql server name (eg. newserver\incisive), 
        2. use SQL Authentication  - enter login & password ,
        3. select database,
        4. test the connection
      2. 64bit Operating System
        Note that if the computer is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 (R2) and has a 64bit operating system you will need to run the 32bit ODBC admin tool called  ODBCAD32.exe  which can be found in C:\Windows\Syswow64

  9. Edit SPM.INI file on the server
    (if you have already completed this prior to using the IswUpdateOdbc.exe tool you can now skip this)
    1. Find and edit the SPM.INI file in the \SPMWIN directory.
    2. Check the DSN= & DSNWORK= entries are have the correct connection names
    3. Edit the setting MDB=[path of Shared Directory] .  This must be the common, Shared directory (see 4a. above).    e.g.  mdb=\\newserver\spmwin\data
      Even though you are not using an Access database this is still needed.
    4. If you are using the server as a Terminal Server make sure there is an entry in the [Workstation] section of  Citrix=True

  10. Run the SPM or PHM application (right-mouse-click and select the Run As Administrator) to force the new program files to be registered in the Windows Registry.  Login to the program and check the modules are functioning correctly. 
    Note that printer drivers need to be installed for the application to work correctly.

  11. Remote Access
    1. Ensure that the Incisive support team has an account that will allow us to logon to the server with Administrator rights.
    2. Enable a Remote Desktop connection (or suitable access) has been setup for Incisive to be able to connect to the new Server (and preferably each workstation) and they have been advised of the details.

  12. Updating the SPM or PHM application on the workstation
    1. Edit the batch file Update.bat (found in the SPMWIN folder on each workstation) and ensure that the path for updates is correct.
      Updates should be in the   \\newserver\Spmwin\Updates     directory.
    2. Edit the SPM.INI file  (this is not required if to have run IswUpdateOdbc /go on the workstation)
      1. Check the DSN= & DSNWORK= entries are still correct
      2. Edit the setting MDB=[path of Shared Directory] .  This must be the common, Shared directory (see 4.a above).   
        e.g.  mdb=\\newserver\spmwin\data
        Even though you are not using an Access database this is still needed.
      3. Change the Server Update path.  This will be in a section named [UpdatePaths]:

  13. Configuring SPM on the workstation
    1. Start up SPM on a workstation.  Go into Setup – System – File Locations and change the path name for each line, pointing the new server.  
    2. Incisive will need to run a program to change the path details for all images and scan documents if the server name has changed.  A check to make sure the path names are correct is to go into SPM – Reports – System Reports – Workstation Setup Report.  When you run this report, the paths for the scan docs and images should have (writeable) in front of them, if it has MISSING in front of them then you know that the path is either not correct or they do not have access to it.

  14. Bulk adjustment to database records
    The records in the database that hold the location of scanned documents and images for each patient need to be altered by Incisive staff.  Call the Incisive Helpdesk to get them to log on remotely to run an application to make the necessary change.
    The bulk adjustment process could take up to half an hour to run.

  15. Configuring the Anti-virus application on the workstation.
    1. Add Exceptions to the antivirus software on the workstation to allow:
      1. the SQL data files (see 5.b.iii),  and 
      2. the scanned document and image files, and
      3. the shared directory (see 4.a)
        There should already be an Exception for the files in the local SPMWIN directory.  If there isn’t, do include it to the Exceptions list.

  16. Secure Messaging
    1. Reinstall any messaging clients (eg HealthLink) that were installed on the old server.
    2. Check the location of the incoming and outgoing files.  Configure these in Setup -> Message Carriers and Edit the relevant carrier entry.
    3. Check that new messages are being received from the secure messaging client (e.g. HealthLink) and that they are being inserted into the SPMWORK database when the HL7.exe or HL7Aus.exe (Australia) files are executed.  The new messages will appear in Utilities -> Claimed Lab Mail
    4. Remove any scheduled tasks on the old server (such as HL7.exe). 
    5. Add new scheduled tasks to the new server to run the HL7.exe or HL7Aus.exe files.

  17. Unsecure Messaging
    1. If they are using standard email to send invoices, statements and other documents from SPM/PHM you will need to establish that there is a SMTP port available for them to access.  SPM/PHM can be configured in Setup -> User/Provider -> Email to use the new email account details.

  18. Printers
    1. Remove or reconfigure printers connected to the old server
    2. If new printer drivers have been installed 
      1. Ensure the correct printer is set as the ‘Default Printer’ and that a Windows Test Print is successful
      2. Go to Setup – Printers – select printer, and set the trays for each job type as appropriate.
    3. Go into Setup – Workstation – Workstation Configuration (on each workstation) and select the new printer drivers.

  19. Scanners
    If the server is being used as a Terminal Server and you will need either a network-enabled scanner or, if the scanners are attached to the workstations, you will require a third-party application such as RemoteScan or TSScan.

  20. Testing of SPM/PHM
    Perform the following tests to check that the application is working as expected.
    Start the SPM or PHM application.  
    1. If the database can’t be found, check the following:
      1. Can the workstation get through the firewall to see the SQL Server (turn it off and see if you can get through)
        Use the PortQuery tool to check access to the SQL server and ports
      2. Are you using the 32bit version of the ODBC drivers (on a 64bit OS)
      3. Are the DSN= and DSNWORK=  settings correct in the SPM.INI file
    2. If the mdb=  setting can’t be found, check that you have created a Shared Directory on the server and that users are able to 'write' to it (see 4.a)
    3. If you get an error straight away when running the program, check that the UAC is turned off (see 7.b).  If it wasn’t you’ll need to reinstall.
    4. Select a patient that has got some scanned documents and go to the Notes section. 
      1. Check that you can see a scanned document and/or an image.  If you can’t, go to Setup -> System -> File Locations and check the paths are correct.  If they are not it means that step 14 has been missed.
      2. If you get an error going into the Notes section it is possible an entry needs to be made into the Data Execution Prevention section of Windows.  Call Incisive Helpdesk.
    5. Go to the Letters section of a patient’s file and check that you can create a new letter, print it and save it.  
      1. If it won’t print, check you can do a ‘Test Print’ from the default printer (in Windows) and the Printer settings in Setup -> Printers.
      2. If it won’t save, check the Shared Directory settings (see 4.a)
    6. Use the Scan function in Patient -> Notes.  If the scanned document won’t save, check the’ Write’ permissions on the directory (see 6.b)
    7. Go to the Appointment section and check you can add new appointments.
    8. Run the Database Speed report from a workstation.  This report can be found in Reports -> System Reports.  From the resulting report, the Average Speed should be in the vicinity of 2m/s.  If it is around 4-5 m/s it will be regarded as slow access and if it is slower than about 6-7 m/s it is not acceptable and the problem causing the slowness needs to be determined.

  21. Check with the Practice or Hospital staff to see if there have been any special functions in SPM or PHM that were used previously, which are no longer available.

  22. SMS
    1. If the site has been running the SMS Messaging through SPM or PHM, ensure that you establish a Scheduled Task to run the SMS application once a day, usually around 10am.  Check the Task Scheduler settings on the old server to make sure the SMS messages are not sent from there as well.
      Requires Outgoing port 443 to be open through the Firewall.

  23. Backups
    It is not the responsibility of Incisive to configure or monitor the backup procedures of  the databases and data files.
    1. Reconfigure the backup system to accommodate the new settings. If no SQL backups are set, try using a 3rd party application called SQLBackupMaster; (
    2. Don’t allow the main full backup to occur during the day although Transaction Logging is a good idea.
    3. Ensure the Log files of both databases are truncated each time after they have been backed up.

  24. Exchange Server
    If Exchange Server is running on the same server as SQL Server, try to limit the maximum amount of memory that is allocated to it.