Print job going to the wrong printer
Posted by Sinclair Hughes, Last modified by Jane Hughes on 28 February 2019 03:35 PM

Print jobs are going to the wrong printer.
The printer is correctly configured in Setup > Printers and the correct one is selected in Setup > Workstation > Configuration.
A Test Priint at Windows level works fine.

The printer has insufficient permissions.
The Incisive application needs to be able to programmatically change the 'Default' printer and is unable to so goes to the first one on the list of printers that it can.

In the Properties of the printer driver change the Security settings for the User to be allowed to 'Manage the Printer'

There are a couple of (Incisive) programs written to assist with troubleshooting printer problems.

PrinterTest.exe (\\nas\exefiles\alpha)
This lists and allows selection of printers using various methods that spm_fakeprinter does (but not using the fake printer).

ViewPrintersNet.exe (\\nas\exefiles\utilities)
Will test the permissions and lists the printers visible from .net.

Logging for spm_fakeprinter.dll
To enable this, you need to set a flag in the workstation .INI file:
PrinterSelectionLogging=0/1/2                         (‘0=off, 1=simple logging, 2=verbose logging)
The data will be logged in the file “c:\spmwin\PrinterSelection.log”.  See the attached sample file.


The data will be logged in the file “c:\spmwin\PrinterSelection.log”.  See the attached sample file.