Knowledgebase : Technical, Configuration and Devices > Scanning

It is important that only 32bit TWAIN drivers are used for scanning functions that are initiated from the Incisive application.

Fujitsu have both 64bit and 32bit TWAIN drivers.  Don't use the TWAIN x64 driver.

Download Fujitsu TWAIN drivers

Choose the correct TWAIN driver for your Fujitsu/Ricoh scanner from this site: 

For the fi-7160, the latest 32bit Fujitsu TWAIN driver (3.30.0) is available from the following link: 

An earlier version (1.42.0c) of the driver is available from: 

Update Firmware

On the same page as the TWAIN driver download, will be a link to get the latest firmware for the scanner.

Test scanning outside of the Incisive application

To test the driver outside of the Incisive application, you can run a file called TwainSPM.exe (found in the \SPMwin or installation directory) and it will initiate a small scanning app that is using the TWAIN driver.

Do not rely on a test that uses the Scanner's own scanning software, as they will usually communicate using their own direct protocols and not rely on the TWAIN driver.

The scanning process uses a TWAIN driver to correspond with the scanner.  If the TWAIN driver is not installed or not available, the scanning process will either not work correctly or not work at all.  WIA drivers may work but will not support all of the scanning functions (eg. no duplex or multi-page option)

If the scanning is not working

  1. Check that the TWAIN 32bit drivers have been installed (not 64bit drivers).   
    1. Go to Control Panel -> Devices & Printers
    2. Right-mouse-click on the scanner and select Properties
    3. Check to see if the scanner has been installed.
      Alternatively, in Explorer, the TWAIN_32 directory should be off the Windows directory
    4. Download and install the latest TWAIN drivers for the scanner from the manufacturer's web site.

  2. Check the TWAIN drivers are available to the user in the Terminal Server environment
    Be aware that USB scanners may require special scanning applications such as RemoteScan or TSScan
    1. Using Explorer, go to the \Windows directory in the Users profile a check to see if there is a TWAIN_32 directory
    2. Under the TWAIN_32 directory check that the scanner's twain drivers are there
      e.g. C:\Users\UserA\Windows\Twain_32\RemoteScan

  3. Check that some other application does not have control of the TWAIN driver
    1. Go to Control Panel -> Devices & Printers
    2. Right-mouse-click on the scanner and select Properties
    3. Select the Events tab
    4. Choose the option to 'Disable' or 'Take no Action' 

  4. Log out of Windows and log in again using a different account.  Try using an Administrator account.

  5. The Twain control calls the twain_32.dll which is the twain data source manager.  Make sure you can find this file when logged in as the User and that they have Read permissions.

  6. Download and run the TWACK diagnostic tool from
    32 bit
    Use this tool to diagnose the problem

If the scanner is still not appearing in the Source list perform some troubleshooting using a third-party scanning application.

  • Download this file, extract and run the dwgdemo.exe application to test the availability and functionality of TWAIN drivers
  • Run a file called 'TwainSPM.exe' found in the \spmwin directory
  • Download and run a graphics program called  Irfanview

 In some instances we have found that creating a TWAIN32 directory off Windows, then copying the contents of the TWAIN_32 directory will enable the drivers to be found.


Incisive recommend that if you are hosted in the system or you have your own Terminal Server (Remote Desktop) environment, you should be using TSPrint or TSScan to get an optimal experience.

You will need to install the TSPrint Client and TSScan Client applications on the local workstation/laptops so that they perform correctly.

The installation process is very simple and no additional licensing is required.

Instructions to install and configure TSPrint for SPM & PHM applications

The TSPrint guide from Terminal Works is available:

Windows -

Mac (this is a bit old)

Configure TSScan for Windows

The TSScan install file is downloaded from 

After installing, go to TerminalWorks > TSScan Client Settings in the Windows Start menu and select your default scanner

Configure TSPrint for a Mac

The TSPrint install file is downloaded from this site: 

After installing the app, check the inCLOUD → Mac printer mappings are correct.  If not, delete then choose the correct printer when printing the next time.

Delete any that are incorrect or obsolete

Print from SPM and choose the correct printer when the prompt appears.

Configure TSScan for Mac

Scanning from an Apple Mac Book

Apple do not recognise or use TWAIN drivers to interact with scanners that are used with their Mac Book computers, so it takes a few more steps to get the scanning options configured and also to complete the scanning workflow.

A short tutorial video displaying the workflow sequence to scan a document, is available from this location


  1. Install the ICA driver for the scanner on the Mac.  Test by using the Apple 'Image Capture' app.
    If the driver doesn't install check that you have sufficient permissions.
    If there is no ICA driver then the following steps will not work and you will have to scan the documents separately then attach, using the Message Centre feature.
  2. Install (or update) the latest TSscan client app (for MacOS) on the computer that is connected to the scanner (
    1. Open the app (Finder > Applications) and select 'Options'.  Then check ON the 'Redirected folder' option.
  3. Go to Preferences in Microsoft Remote Desktop and in the Redirected field, enter in the path to the ...Documents\TSDataDrive 


  1. In the Incisive application, go to Patient > Notes > Scan.  
    1. Choose 'TSScan' as the scanner
    2. Open the 'Advanced' section and check ON the 'Use Shell Scanning' option.  This must be enabled.
      You may also want to enable 'Save Automatically', 'Use Document Feeder' and 'Reverse Background' (if they appear as white text on black).

  2. Click on the 'Scan' button
    If this is the first time using TSscan, a TSscan window may appear.  Select the Tools menu and choose the 'Switch to Mac UI', then close it.

    If the above screen doesn't appear, just let it continue as it is already set to use the Mac UI.

  3. Apple's 'Image Capture' app will then appear.
    1. Select the scanner in the left-hand panel
    2. Choose configuration options in the right-hand panel.
      1. 'Text' quality is usually sufficient.  If you use Colour it will significantly increase the size of the image file.
      2. Set the 'Scan To' directory to be the same as the directory selection in point 3. of Configuration above (Microsoft Remote Desktop > Preferences
      3. Choose 'TIFF' as the format and check ON the option to 'Combine into a single document'.
      4. Select 'Scan' to start the scanning process
      5. When the scanning has completed, choose 'Finish' to close Image Capture and pass the image to the Incisive application.
    3. The TSscan application will then upload the scanned image to the remote server.

      Wait until the 'Completed' image appears.  The speed of how long this takes is dependent on your internet Upload speed

  4. If the 'Save Automatically' option is not checked On, click on the button in the Incisive application to Save and either continue scanning or Exit

If this scanning process does not work for you, then scan the documents separately to a folder and import them to the patient's records using the Message Centre import feature.

A problem can occur where the "Image not found..." text appears in the patient notes after scanning a document. 

It appears that the scanning process works correctly, as you can see the scanned image during the scanning process and there are no errors, but no file has been written to the directory and therefore cannot be displayed.

The problem is almost always caused by lack of disk space in the drive where the images are being stored.  Increase the storage available and the scanning will again work correctly.


If scanned documents and External Documents are displaying a message regarding ImageMan being a trial version, carry out the following steps:


1. Find and delete all copies of im8pdf.dil on the PC with the problem.  These will be in C:\Program Files\ImageMan DLL folders and possibly c:\spmwin.

2. Run the add-on installer imxPDFImport880 (2).exe  found in \\isw-nas\source\DeveloperUpdates\Imageman PDF

3. The file im8pdf.dil may also need to be copied to the program directory (normally c:\Spmwin).

Sometimes the reverse side of a document is not scanned even though the Duplex option has been selected.

  1. Check you are using a TWAIN driver and not a WIA driver.  WIA drivers do not support duplex scanning.
  2. Check you are using the correct TWAIN driver to scan with. 
    1. As you are starting the scan choose the 'Settings' button and make sure the correct driver is selected.
    2. Is the Duplex option actually selected? (Scan both sides of the page).
  3. Update the scanner driver.  Go to the scanner manufacturers website and download and install the latest version of the driver.
  4. Use a third-party application such as Irfanview to scan some documents.  Often this appears to change some low-level settings to reset the correct size of the scanned image.
    Alternatively use the dwgdemo.exe file from the zipped suite of TWAIN test applications.  Download from here.
  5. Exit from SPM or PHM and start up again.
  6. If still no success submit a support ticket to the Incisive Helpdesk



Sometimes parts of the original document are not scanned correctly and are missing from the image.

  1. Check you are using the correct TWAIN driver to scan with.  As you are starting the scan choose the 'Settings' button and make sure the correct driver is selected.

  2. Update the scanner driver.  Go to the scanner manufacturers website and download and install the latest version of the driver.

  3. Is the correct paper dimensions specified in the Settings area? 
    Left=0; Top=0; Right=11; Bottom=29.7
  4. Try changing the Paper Size to 'None' (I know it is odd but sometimes this does work)
  5. Use the 'Transfer images in Native mode' (especially with Brother MFC scanners)

  6. Use a third-party application such as Irfanview to scan some documents.  Often this appears to change some low-level settings to reset the correct size of the scanned image.
    Alternatively use the dwgdemo.exe file from the zipped suite of TWAIN test applications.  Download from here.

  7. Exit from SPM or PHM, start up and try scanning the diocument again.

  8. If still no success submit a support ticket to the Incisive Helpdesk


If scanner drivers have not been downloaded from the Apple App Store or are from 'identified Developers', they will not be verified by Apple and the MacOS may restrict their ability to run.

If you are experiencing messages saying that the driver may be malware and to report it to Apple; doesn't have permission to run; or is from an unidentified developer,  then it is likely that the driver will not work properly.


Temporarily configure GateKeeper to allow applications from 'Anywhere' to be installed.

  1. Log in as the root Administrator
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Type:   $ sudo spctl --master-disable
  4. When the 'key' appears type in the Administrator password and press enter.

'Anywhere' will now appear as an option in 'Security & Privacy'

When the driver has been installed and is working, remove the 'Anywhere' option by running the following command in Terminal  

$ sudo spctl --master-enable