Knowledgebase: Training
SR - Specialist Referrals integration
Posted by Sinclair Hughes, Last modified by Sinclair Hughes on 29 October 2024 09:28 AM

The 'Specialist Practice Manager' (SPM) application, version 414.4, has direct integration with the SR - Specialist Referrals portal provided by Cervin Media.

The integration will allow you use the Message Centre to retrieve the referral, acknowledge it has been delivered to you, match or create a patient and import the referral to the patient's notes.

The SR portal allows you to have individual or practice-wide accounts.  Contact the Incisive Helpdesk if you need the Incisive application to be configured for practice-wide accounts.

Retrieval of the referrals from the SR Portal is configured using a Windows 'Scheduled Task' and they are then displayed in the 'RSD' tab of the Message Centre.  If the incoming referral does not include a HPI-CPN or it doesn't match with one for a Provider in the database, the referral will appear in the 'Unclaimed' tab, from which it can be assigned.

Training videos:


  • Account with Cervin Media for the Provider or Practice to receive electronic referrals
  • 'Specialist Practice Manager' (SPM version 414.4 or newer)
  • Assign menu permissions for Setup > Provider > SR Referral to SysAdmin or Practice Manager to configure import connector with the SR Portal.
  • Create a Scheduled Task in Windows to retrieve the referral files from the SR Portal (or use Utilities > Import > SR Referrals for manual retrieval)
    • Schedule to run 'SpmCervin.exe' (in the Incisive program directory) at least every hour.
  • Ensure each Provider has their HPI-CPN number in Setup > Provider > Config1 so the incoming referrals can be matched to the correct Provider.
  • Using the 'Message Centre' to view and process referrals.