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SPM Release 414.2 - July 2024
Posted by Sinclair Hughes, Last modified by Sinclair Hughes on 24 October 2024 12:43 PM

The major improvements in this release are the ability to issue an electronic prescription to a patient and also to directly order lab test from the main laboratories.

The full release notes are available from the following link: SPM Release Notes 414.2

Electronic Prescriptions (NZ)

The electronic prescription function in the Incisive application incorporates a number of functions that demonstrate interoperability with health services.

  • Direct lookup and selection of the medicines and monographs provided by the NZ Formulary.
    The NZ Formulary takes the medicine listed in the NZULM and applies information on how to use and when to prescribe that medicine in line with current and best practice advice in New Zealand.

  • Direct lookup of the pharmacies from the online Healthpoint directory, to insert the patient's preferred pharmacy.

  • Submission of the prescription to the New Zealand ePrescription Service (NZePS) hub to send the prescription to the patient's preferred pharmacy or to hold for any pharmacy to retrieve.

  • Parking of the prescription, if the medicines were selected by a nurse or admin and require approval by an authorised prescriber, or if the internet cannot be accessed.

  • Sending an email and/or SMS (txt) to the patient with their Prescription ID to allow the medicines to be issued by the pharmacy.

  • Approval of medicines prescribed by the pharmacist, on behalf of the specialist.

The usual capability to save frequently issued medicines as Favourites and to easily issue a repeat prescription, are still available.  

Feedback from the clinicians and patients who have been trialling the option, has been very positive.

The NZePS function needs to be configured for each prescriber and there are a number of regulatory identifiers and authorisations you are required to have, before the option can be enabled for you.  Health NZ state that the existing temporary authorisation for non-NZePS signature-exempt prescriptions is planned to expire on 31 October 2024. 

As the NZePS option takes some time to configure and implement for each prescriber, we recommend that you contact the Incisive Helpdesk to get a list of the requirements and also to book a time for it to be enabled.  As this is a special service, there may be a charge for the time involved.

For Australian clients, your prescription broking service is the same as is used in New Zealand and we expect to be able to proceed with this feature for you in the near future.

Online lab ordering (NZ)

Awanui, Pathlab and Medlab Central have all made their online test ordering portal available for specialists using the Incisive application.  Incisive can pass through the patient and provider details to their portal, which is then included with the test you order.

Each lab requires you to register to use their eOrder portal.  Please use the following links to complete their onboarding process.