Knowledgebase: Training
ePrescription video showing basics of creating & sending ePrescription
Posted by Sinclair Hughes, Last modified by Sinclair Hughes on 25 October 2024 10:36 AM

The following link is a short video tutorial showing you the basics of creating and sending an ePrescription from the Incisive application.

This prescription feature, provides the following:

  • Online lookup in the NZ Formulary for medicines, including their monographs.

  • Issuing the electronic prescription to the NZePS hub and the patient's pharmacy.

  • Providing the patient with a digital summary and token of their prescription.

  • Retrieving and actioning notifications from a dispensing pharmacy or the NZePS hub.

  • Importing pharmacy details from Healthpoint directory.

You will need to have v414.2 or newer to have access to the functions.  

Click on this banner to view the video: