If you are unable to log into the inTOUCH app you can try the following options.
Most likely solutions:
- email address used to login doesn't exactly match the Operator's email in SPM/PHM
The email address used for the login must be the same as the one that was registered for inTOUCH and it must also exactly match the address entered into the 'Email' field for the Operator in Setup > Personnel > Operator.
- password is incorrect
You can reset the password following the steps in this article
Other solutions:
- digital certificate bound to the site has expired
If the digital certificate that is bound to the inTOUCH web site has expired, it will not allow the app to access it. Find the URL that is being used by the app and try to access it from a browser. If the certificate has expired the browser will show a warning and you can click on the padlock in the URL to view the properties of the certificate. Renew the digital certificate. This needs to be done annually.
- unable to get external access to port 445
Access to Port 445 is required by the inTOUCH app to authenticate the login. See KB: 'Port 445 - Is it Open'
- connection configuration is incorrect
Contact the Incisive Helpdesk who can investigate the Config section
- inTOUCH licence has expired
Contact the Incisive Helpdesk
If the cursor is spinning continuously you can stop it by quitting the inTOUCH app