Occasionally a message may appear when you go to start SPM saying that the database could not be found, or there is no database connection or perhaps even the message just says timeout-expired.
For Advanced connection trouble-shooting view this Knowledgebase article.
There are a number of problems that can cause this to occur.
- It is possible after a restart of a server, especially after a Windows update, that one of the SQL Server services has failed to restart and so cannot provide a connection to the Incisive application.
Follow these steps a. On the server/computer where the SQL server is installed, open the SQL Configuration Manager application and check that the SQL Server Engine is running correctly. If it has stopped you will need to use the option to Start the service.
b. If you are using SQL Browser to allow the workstations to connect to the SQL Server database you will need to check that this service is running.
We have seen that a service can become disabled and therefore will not start from within the SQL Server Configuration management tool. If this is the case you will need to start up the Services snap-in (run services.msc) and set them to start Automatically.
If you do not have a IT technician who is able to manage this please call the Incisive Helpdesk.
- The workstation may not be finding the DNS server and therefore can't resolve the Server\Instance name of the SQL database.
Change the DSN (ODBC) setting to use the IP & Port address of the SQL server. Using a Port address will negate the need to use the Instance name. Don't use IP\Instance name.
- If used, the SQL Browser service on the server may of stopped.
Use Services.msc on the server to restart the SQL Browser service. If this fails to start, configure the SQL Configuration on the server and also the local DSN settings to use a Port number e.g. 1433. Configure Firewalls to allow port access
- Firewall on the server may be blocking port access.
Turn off the Firewall on the server, Test - if connection is successful enable access to Port 1433 TCP and Port 1434 UDP - retest after turning on the firewall.
- It's possible to have Classic SPM running ok, but Integrated SPM comes up with a connection error when trying to start.
The ODBC settings can be correct, and a re-install of the application will not resolve the problem.
Possible solution - Disable IPv6 in the Network settings of the workstation.